Monday 19 January 2009

You Mean So Much To Me

It's not always easy to say what I mean when it comes to more personal things. Like the pleasure I find in just talking to you and the warmth your smile brings- like the comfort it is to have you to turn to whenever I'm lonely or down, or the way happy things seem to happen somehow, anyplace, anytime, you're around. It's not always easy to say what I mean and yet I'm still hoping you'll see your'e special and so very dear, and you'll always mean so much to me.

taken from

1 Celotehan:

  1. puisinya puitis banget ^_^ ..

    Sebegitu berartinya yach bunda buat ayah?..
    Sebegitu nyamannya yach saat ayah berbagi ma bunda?..

    Ayah jauh lebih berharga dalam hidup bunda...
    Dengan semua cinta dan sayang yang bunda miliki, bunda akan berusaha untuk membuat ayah selalu bahagia disisi bunda..
    Ayah adalah anugerah terindah dlm hidup bunda..
    dan bunda akan senantiasa menjaga ayah selama hidup bunda...

    Bunda sayang ayah...
    Bunda cinta ayah...


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