Friday, 13 February 2009

Be My Valentine..

B my Valentine, my love,
As I’ll b 4 u,
And we ll love the whole day long,
And love our whole lives through.
4 love has no parameters
& does not end with time,
Bt is the gift of paradise,
A pinch of the sublime.
So let us take this holiday
2 resubmit our love
2 those within that know no sin
And with the angels move.

2 Celotehan:

  1. ayah chayang...
    sweet banget puisinya...
    bunda cuka...

    bunda cuma ingin ayah tau...
    sayang bunda..cinta bunda cuma buat ayah...
    selain keluaRga, ayahlah orang yang beneR2 supeR supeR spesial buat bunda...

    dengan Valentine ini (meski Qt beR2 bukan pengikuT valentine)...
    Qt ResubmiT cinta qta...
    agaR lebih kuaT daRi semua godaan..
    bunda akan beRusaha untuk selalu membhagiakan ayah...

    I luph u so much...

  2. Happy Valentine for both of you, may your love goes stronger each and every hour, may your love grow in harmony every minute in every day, may you love each others in perfect love that will be able to accept each others as it is.



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